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UI Best Practices for Android

Designing a UI that is attractive for users requires adhering to certain best practices imposed by the Android platform, devices manufactured by various vendor hardwares, and users. Such UI should be intuitive, consistent across various screen sizes, orientations, and device hardware. Furthermore, it should be accessible for various users, including those with disabilities, maintainable for platform updates, scalable, and properly reflect the app branding.

Wrap_content and Match_parent

Whenever possible, use 'fill_parent' and 'wrap_content' values for android:layout_width and android:layout_height in layout files. This allows the views to adapt to fill the maximum available space (fill_parent) or the minimum required space (wrap_content), resulting in a more flexible and responsive layout.

Relative Layout and Constraint Layout

Both 'RelativeLayout' and 'ConstraintLayout' allow you to specify the spatial relationships between components, which can be preserved even when their size changes. ConstraintLayout is generally considered better for performance and display due to its flat view hierarchy and powerful constraint-based layout system, which also allows more flexibility and complexity in design.

Example Layout Directories

To optimize layouts for various screen sizes, orientations, and configurations, Android supports these directory naming conventions:

  • Screen Size-Specific Layouts:
    • res/layout: Default layout for general devices.
    • res/layout-small: Layouts for small screens.
    • res/layout-normal: Layouts for normal screens.
    • res/layout-large: Layouts for large screens.
    • res/layout-xlarge: Layouts for extra-large screens.
  • Dimension-Specific Layouts:
    • res/layout-swdp: Layouts for devices with a specific minimum width (e.g., sw600dp for tablets).
    • res/layout-wdp: Layouts based on exact screen width (e.g., w720dp).
    • res/layout-hdp: Layouts based on exact screen height (e.g., h1280dp).
  • Thematic Layouts:
    • res/layout-night: Layouts optimized for dark mode or night mode.
  • API-Level Specific Layouts:
    • res/layout-v: Layouts optimized for specific API levels (e.g., v21 for Android 5.0 or higher).
Additional Tips:
  • Use <N> to specify numeric values in layout directories.
    • Example 1: To create layouts for devices with a minimum width of 600dp, use res/layout-sw<N>dp, such as res/layout-sw600dp.
    • Example 2: For layouts optimized for API level 21 or higher, use res/layout-v<N>, such as res/layout-v21.
  • Always test layouts on various devices and configurations to ensure proper scaling and responsiveness.
Nine-patch bitmaps

Nine-patch bitmaps are used to create scalable and stretchable UI elements like buttons and backgrounds while maintaining image quality across different screen sizes and densities. Though still useful for legacy support, modern alternatives like vector drawables, shape drawables, and Jetpack Compose provide more flexible and resolution-independent solutions. Use the Draw 9-patch tool in Android Studio for creating and editing nine-patch images when needed. They are still ideal for backward compatibility and precise control over stretchable bitmap regions.


Fragments have traditionally been used to encapsulate portions of the UI within an activity, breaking it down into smaller, reusable, independent components. They allow for modular design and reusability across multiple activities or layouts. However, with the introduction of Jetpack Compose, fragments are often less necessary as Compose itself supports building modular, reusable, and dynamic UI directly through composables. Fragments may still be useful when integrating Compose into existing apps or for specific legacy scenarios.

Providing Alternate Bitmaps (Multi-Resolution Support)

Provide different versions of bitmap resources tailored to each screen density bucket (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, etc.) to ensure high graphical quality and performance on devices with varying screen densities. Android will automatically select the appropriate bitmap based on the device's screen density.

  • res/drawable-ldpi: Low-density screens.
  • res/drawable-mdpi: Medium-density screens.
  • res/drawable-hdpi: High-density screens.
  • res/drawable-xhdpi: Extra-high-density screens.
  • res/drawable-xxhdpi: Extra-extra-high-density screens.
  • res/drawable-xxxhdpi: Extra-extra-extra-high-density screens.

Note: While bitmap resources remain necessary for some cases, modern alternatives like vector drawables and Jetpack Compose offer resolution-independent solutions. Vector drawables scale well across different screen densities, reducing the need for multiple bitmap resources. When possible, prefer vector drawables for better performance and simpler resource management.

Density Independent Pixels

When specifying dimensions, use density-independent pixels (dp) or scalable pixels (sp) instead of pixels (px). - Dp ensures consistent sizing across different screen densities by corresponding to the physical size of a pixel at 160 dpi. - Sp adjusts text size based on the user's preferred text size settings, making your app more accessible.

Backward Compatibility

Ensure that your app remains compatible with older versions of Android by using backward-compatible components and APIs. Check the device's API level and use alternative methods or libraries, such as AndroidX libraries and Jetpack components, to incorporate modern features while maintaining support for older Android versions.

Prefer Jetpack Compose UI: Consider using Jetpack Compose for declarative UI development, which simplifies layout creation and handling across screen sizes and densities without relying on bitmap resources. By adopting Jetpack Compose, responsive layouts can be created that are resolution-independent and easier to maintain.